的 overall goal of this classical American Christian approach is to produce a student who has not only progressed from the rudiments of the subjects to the higher levels of understanding, but who has learned how to reason from the principles of the 圣经 to the concepts and issues of the subject. It is the liberating effect of the self-governed intellect combined with a heart submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ that allows the student to reach his or her fullest God-given potential.
我们的 rigorous curriculum encompasses core courses from Algebra through Calculus and Statistics, 从地球科学到物理学, 从生物学到解剖学 & 生理学. Students are equipped with truth as they explore the rudiments of American 历史 and our form of republicanism.
Dayspring Christian Academy’s mission reflects our commitment to academic excellence and college preparation for our students who desire to go on to college. Often, Dayspring’s SAT scores are on average about 100 points higher than the national average. This is a reflection of our students’ commitment to working as unto the Lord in school and the preparation that we offer as students prepare for college. Dayspring high school students have the opportunity to earn up to 30 college credits before graduation through our 凯恩大学双招生项目 以及我们一流的AP课程. 我们的许多学生到大学时已经修满了一个学期的学分!
的 荣誉高中 program at Dayspring Christian Academy provides a distinctive educational experience for high-achieving, 学业上有天赋的学生. Dayspring provides an enhanced curriculum geared to the educational needs and goals of honors students. 的 荣誉高中 is an important element in our mission to prepare students to develop as citizens of excellence in Christian character and scholarship. 荣誉高中 courses differ from Dayspring’s traditional high school courses in that they foster a greater degree of independent scholarship grounded in inquiry (a crucial skill associated with scientific discovery), 创意设计, 终身学习.
了解更多BCK体育注册官网荣誉高中深入 领域的研究 in high school include the study of the rudiments of American 历史 in studies to Boston; Plymouth, MA; New York City; and Washington, D.C. 的 Dayspring high school student’s Senior year is culminated with a 12-day study in Israel. 我们把这次旅行称为“最后的黎明教室”.了解原因。 这个博客.
体育运动 包括男女篮球,男女越野,高尔夫,男子足球,男女田径 & 操场上,还有男孩和女孩排球. 高中 students may also participate in the following sports through a cooperative sponsorship with McCaskey 高中: coed bowling, 女子曲棍球, 男孩女孩游泳, 男孩摔跤. 高中 students may also participate int he following sports through a cooperative sponsorship with Columbia 高中: boys baseball, 女孩垒球, 女子网球.
选修课和社团 包括敬拜团队, 松木的德比, 以音乐为基础的俱乐部,如弦乐和尤克里里琴, 历史, 科学俱乐部, 游戏, 烹饪, 报纸, 年鉴, 学生会, 还有更多!
我们为您和您的孩子提供私人旅游. 另外, middle and high school students are able to experience a day of school at Dayspring through our visitation program. 打电话给卡罗尔·黑斯廷斯 717-285-2000 或使用下面的按钮注册.